

A Global Call for Deflection as the New Policy on Policing and Drugs
This United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs 2023 side event features appearances by Michele Worobiec from PTACC and Jason Kew from PTACC UK. Watch

A Special Message for PTACC from the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance
Director Karhlton F. Moore from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) gives a special message to the members of PTACC at their meeting in Washington, DC in April of 2022. Watch

Strategies for Reaching Overdose Survivors, Including Peer Support
This webinar will introduce nontraditional responses to overdoses with a focus on the use of Peer Support Specialists—individuals with lived experience who are themselves in recovery. Peer Support Specialists engage with survivors soon after their overdoses and remain an important resource to the individuals in navigating life in their communities, including facilitating access to treatment and other services. Watch

Peer Recovery Support Services—Options, Opportunities, and Challenges for Jurisdictions
This webinar addresses the ways in which peer recovery support services are helping jurisdictions across the country address the opioid epidemic, bringing help and hope to individuals and families. Watch

Unlock the Power of Peers: Strategies for Response, Rehabilitation, Reentry, and Recovery Support
Peer recovery support services (PRSS) are increasingly being offered across diverse criminal justice settings to address opioid abuse and achieve positive outcomes.  The power and potential of PRSS come from the unique roles that peers play, promoting both hope and pragmatic steps for change. This session identifies the  common values that are the foundation for PRSS, regardless of the setting,  the variety of roles that peers play across the sequential intercepts—and how programs can ensure that the roles are appropriate for the settings. Watch

TPD Program Offers Drug Offenders Treatment Instead of Arrest

Drug addiction is attributed to the majority of property crimes, according to the Tucson Police Department. TPD implemented a new program to address both issues. The deflection program lets officers choose whether to arrest people for minor felony drug crimes, or refer them for treatment instead.

Fentanyl: The Real Deal

Fentanyl: The Real Deal Video Download Link

The Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders, and this companion training video Fentanyl: The Real Deal, provides unified, scientific, evidence-based recommendations to first responders so they can protect themselves when the presence of Fentanyl is suspected during the course of their daily activities such as responding to overdose calls and conducting traffic stops, arrests, and searches. The video download link is a link to a ZIP file containing the broadcast quality 1080p video file, it’s associated closed caption file, and a fact sheet.

Stop, Triage, Engage, Educate and Rehabilitate (STEER) Program

The STEER Program in Montgomery County, MD, is a pre-booking law enforcement and drug treatment linkage program that aims to provide rapid identification, deflection, and access to treatment for drug-involved individuals as an alternative to conventional arrest. Individuals are assigned a care-coordinator who focuses on rapid treatment access, retention, motivation, engagement and completion, as well as conducts a full clinical assessment and referral.

Overdosed: New England Fights Back

One focus of “Overdosed: New England Fights Back” is on those suffering from what is now more commonly called “substance use disorder.” The other core element is the response to the problem. There has been a shift. Police are approaching addicts as individuals who need help, rather than criminals. Doctors are re-thinking their approach to care. Recovery units are now offering more than just a bed.

Police officer’s experiment to fight opioid epidemic starts with ditching uniform

For 22 years, Deputy Charles Johnson has started his workday by putting on his police uniform. But he won’t be wearing that uniform today, tomorrow or anytime soon. Johnson is part of an experiment to help curb the opioid epidemic in Ohio, where on average, eight people die every day from unintentional drug overdoses.  Instead of arresting people who use heroin, Johnson tries to help them. He drives them to their detox appointments. He visits them at home and meets their families. He helps them find work. He takes their phone calls in the middle of the night when they have the urge to shoot up.  That’s why Johnson wears a coat and tie instead of a police uniform and why he drives a regular car instead of a sheriff’s cruiser. He wants his clients, as he calls them, to feel like he’s more of a counselor and less of a cop.

Roll Call Videos for Law Enforcement

When people are addicted to drugs, their decision-making abilities are compromised. With information on how addiction affects the brain and how to effectively partner with drug treatment organizations, many law enforcement agencies are working to reduce crime and improve community relations by diverting individuals with substance use disorders to treatment rather than arrest them.  Designed for showing during roll call, these videos cover two specific areas:

What happens when a brain is addicted, and what this means for law enforcement who encounter people with addictions; and
How to partner with local drug treatment providers to address drug use and addiction.

Self-Study Courses for Criminal Justice Practitioners

The Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) at TASC and the National Judicial College (NJC) co-developed three free online self-study courses to support justice leaders in implementing evidence-based responses to help stop cycles of drug use and crime.  These courses provide timely information and practical solutions offered by top national researchers in addiction and criminal justice. The three courses are: The Neuroscience of Addiction, Evidence-Based Sentencing for Drug Offenders, and Medication-Assisted Treatment.

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