Strategy Areas

Children and Families Strategy Area: This group of providers and community partners have an essential role that requires addressing the needs of impacted children and families in deflection planning. This Strategy area will include addressing the increasing needs of grandparents and elderly family members who are raising their grandchildren due to their adult children’s addiction.

Community, Diversity, and Equity Strategy Area: Local community leaders, residents, advocates, family members, and people with lived experience who apply their voices, knowledge, and perspectives to program implementation, with a strong focus on parity across all demographics.

International Deflection and Diversion Strategy Area: Collaborative team charged with leading and advancing PTACC’s engagement with the international community, especially related to deflection and pre-arrest diversion.

Policy and Legislation Strategy Area: Team that advances this topic in the civic space by helping to track and develop local-, state-, and federal-level legislation and policy on pre-arrest diversion, including planning, implementation, funding, and evaluation. This team translates the efforts of all of the other strategy areas into policy and law.

Public Safety Strategy Area: Law enforcement and other criminal justice stakeholders who share information, innovations, and lessons learned, and also develop resources for the field.

Research Strategy Area: Researchers in academia; federal, state, and local government; and the justice community interested in developing standard metrics for researching and evaluating pre-arrest diversion programs.

Stigma Reduction Strategy Area: We believe that in order for PTACC to be the national voice of the fields of deflection and diversion, we must intentionally identify and rethink current systems that perpetuate stigma and educate people and organizations.

Treatment, Housing, and Recovery Strategy Area: Practitioners from treatment, mental health, and social service providers, who develop resources on emerging promising practices regarding working with diverted individuals.

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